Connected Care in Practice: Using Telehealth to Improve Patient Care

This session will introduce the basics of the implementation of a telehealth program into clinical practice. We’ll discuss legal, cultural, technical, and operational needs for successful telehealth programs in practice including marketing, platform selection, standard operating protocols, communication, and clinical workflows. Attendees should use this course as a starting point for foundational understanding of telehealth, telemedicine, and connected care.
Dr. Jess Trimble is a veterinarian who is passionate about how virtual health and new technologies can improve the lives of the whole veterinary team and enhance practice operations, while also improving pet health and making care more affordable. She is an experienced general practitioner, telehealth consultant, speaker, and the Chief Veterinary Officer of Anipanion.

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The laws behind the Veterinary-Client-Relationship are only federally regulated, and are the same state to state.

Methods of asynchronous telehealth include:

Veterinarians are not required to provide diagnosis or treatment when providing telehealth services.

What data can be obtained at home by a pet owner?

New technologies, like smart collars and connected litterboxes, can greatly improve patient outcomes.